Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, January 12, 2009

First day

Well, I just was thinking of starting a blog. It's really big right now, so why not? I am making a new years goal of writing at least once a week.

So let's see what I can write right now. My daughter will be two next month and this weekend I ordered all the things I will need to through her a party. I love the internet. I am too lazy to go out shopping, I can just jump on line and order anything I need. Now all I need is somewhere to through the party. I did it at my house laster year and I really didn't like having all those people in my home. I think it will be better on me if I rent a place and have it there. My family grew up really close, so parties include all my cuz and their families. There are always a lot of people at them.

I'm pretty sad because I had to get a part time job to help with some of the bills. I have been a stay at home mom for the last year and loved every min of it. But last week I got hired at non-other than.... McDonald's! Yeah! I'm lovin it! Just Kidding! The only reasons I wanted to work there is it is really close to home and I can work nights so I can still be home with Zoe in the day. I still have not worked a day yet. They are suppost to call me with my schedule but no news yet.

Tomorrow is my ultra sound for this pregnancy. I am so excited! We will not be finding out what the sex is. I hope! :) If the baby is going to show it then I guess we will have to find out. Oh well. You don't always get what you want, right?

I guess that's it for now.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for blogs! We always have the hardest time keeping up, so this will be nice!
