Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, June 15, 2009

It's a BOY!!!!


I can't believe it! I'm so excited. I have been home about a week and a half now. It has been awesome. My little Zoe bug has been so good. She always wants to hold him and kiss him. I'm so happy she's not upset by all of it.

Last week we had to take him to his doc and get his circumcision ( I have no idea how to spell it). I feel so bad, it looks like it hurts. But I would rather him have a few days of discomfort then a life time of infections.
Saturday his belly button fell off. He has a cute belly button! It kind of is like his sisters.

Today was my ob two week check up. I found out that my uterus was extremely thin and they had to do some blatter repairs! I was a little upset. But I am doing great and my doc is not worried so nether am I.


  1. Congrats again! I have your party invite hanging up by my calendar so I won't forget and I'll do everything I can to be there. I don't know if Anthony can come, but I'll definitely bring Sarah!

  2. I am excited for your party on Saturday! See you and Patrick soon.
