Weighed and measured; down another .5 and no inches today.
Took a XYNG with water
Had my LEAN with a XYPSTIX.
Today I had a bowl of oatmeal (a lot of protein, lol)
I got lunch today! I had 2 tuna sandwiches again. I love tuna. But you can have whatever just make sure it has protein and fiber in it. Sprinkled my CHEAT on it.
3:00 lean protein snack: today I had some dry roasted peanuts and low fat cheese.
Dinner I had a steak and some vegtabels
Before bed 2 FLUSH with warm water.
I have so much enegry today!! I love how I feel. I feel amaXYNG and you can too!!
Had a lot of temptation today. Zoe's school is doing a fundrasier and we had to order a pizza for Domino's. Well, of coarse I can't eat any of it. But I stayed strong! I can do this!
Highlight: XYPSTIX
XYPSTIX is the powder form of GLOBAL BLEND but with two added ingredients. 1)High Grade Aloe Vera for Anti-viral and anti- bacterial. 2) Xanthones that is an anti-inflammatory.
GLOBAL BLEND and XYPSTIX are being called the fountain of youth! They help defend agains free radicals and boost your immune system. Plus, balances your body.
I either take a shot of GLOBAL BLEND a day or a XYPSTIX with my LEAN. Either way I take one or the other everyday! They make me feel great. :-) Plus, they taste amaXYNG!!
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